Best WordPress nonprofit themes 2024

In 2024, the best WordPress nonprofit themes offer a blend of beautiful design, user-friendly features, and functionality specifically catered to nonprofits. Choosing the right theme is crucial for building a successful website for your nonprofit organization.

Your website is a vital hub for spreading awareness about your cause, attracting volunteers and donors, and ultimately, making a positive impact. But with so many WordPress themes available, choosing the right one can feel overwhelming.

Worry not! This blog post dives into the best WordPress themes for non-profits in 2024, catering to a range of needs and budgets. We’ll explore features, functionalities, and design aesthetics to help you find the perfect platform to showcase your organization’s mission.

See our previous blog before reading this blog about information technology WordPress themes. Information Technology WordPress themes offer dynamic and versatile designs for IT companies.

What is a Nonprofit theme?

Nonprofit themes are all about causes that benefit the community, rather than making money for a business. Here are some of the most common ones:

  • Helping people in need: This could be anything from providing food and shelter to those who are struggling, to offering medical care or job training.
  • Protecting the environment: This includes things like cleaning up pollution, planting trees, or advocating for laws that protect our planet.
  • Education and arts: Nonprofits can provide scholarships, fund after-school programs, or support museums and theaters in their communities.
  • Animal welfare: This involves caring for homeless animals, protecting animal rights, or teaching people how to be responsible pet owners.

Top Free Best WordPress Nonprofit Themes 2024

Free Best WordPress Nonprofit Themes

Let’s explore some excellent free options that pack a punch:

  • OceanWP: A powerful and versatile theme that offers several pre-built website templates, including one specifically designed for non-profits. It’s fully responsive, easy to set up, and allows you to add key features like donation buttons and email signup forms.
  • Forward: This elegant theme focuses on simplicity and clarity, making it perfect for organizations wanting a clean and professional website. It offers support for WooCommerce donations, custom post types for showcasing your cause, and staff profiles to build trust with visitors.
  • Resurrect: A modern theme designed for churches, non-profits, and charities. It boasts a user-friendly drag-and-drop page builder, pre-built layouts, and features for displaying impactful stories and testimonials.

Premium WordPress Nonprofit Themes with Extra Features

If you need advanced functionality and customization options, consider these premium themes:

  • Thrive: This theme is built specifically for non-profits and NGOs. It offers a powerful drag-and-drop page builder, stunning pre-built layouts, advanced donation forms, and seamless integration with popular fundraising plugins.
  • GivingPress: As the name suggests, GivingPress is all about making donations easy. This theme offers seamless integration with the popular GivingWP donation plugin, allowing for recurring donations, donor management, and detailed reporting.
  • Charity by ThemeForest: This flexible theme comes with a variety of pre-built layouts and a powerful page builder. It includes features like volunteer management, event calendars, and testimonial sections, making it a well-rounded option for any non-profit.

How to Select the Best Nonprofit WordPress Themes for Websites?

Picking a great WordPress theme for your non-profit website is like picking the right outfit for a big meeting. You want it to look good, tell people what you do, and make it easy for them to help. Here’s how to find the best fit:

Look and Feel:

  • Eye-catching: Your website should be attractive, but also clear and easy to navigate. Think clean lines, beautiful pictures, and fonts that are easy to read.
  • Matches your mission: The design should reflect what your non-profit is all about. A playful design might be good for an animal shelter, while something more serious might be better for a climate change organization.


  • Donation-friendly: This is a big one! You want a theme that lets people donate easily, right on your website. Look for themes that work with popular payment methods like PayPal.
  • Mobile friendly: Lots of people use their phones to browse the web these days, so your website needs to look good and work well on all devices.

Bonus points:

  • Easy to edit: If you’re not a tech whiz, you’ll want a theme that’s easy to customize without needing to write code. Look for themes that use drag-and-drop builders or have user-friendly menus.
  • Events and stories: Sharing your events and stories is a great way to connect with supporters. Look for a theme that makes it easy to add these to your website.

Free vs. Paid Themes:

There are great free themes out there, but paid themes often come with more features and better support. Think about how important these things are to you and your budget.

By keeping these tips in mind, you’ll be well on your way to finding the perfect WordPress theme to help your non-profit reach its goals!

Essential Plugins for WordPress Nonprofit Sites

Remember, a great theme is just the foundation. Here are some essential plugins to enhance your non-profit website:

  • Donation Plugins: Plugins like GiveWP or Charitable Donations allow visitors to donate directly through your website.
  • Event Management Plugins: Plugins like The Events Calendar or Eventbrite help you manage and showcase upcoming events and volunteer opportunities.
  • Form Builder Plugins: Plugins like Gravity Forms or WPForms allow you to create custom forms for volunteer sign-ups, email subscriptions, or contact information.

Benefits of WordPress nonprofit themes

Benefits of WordPress nonprofit themes

Here are some of the benefits of using WordPress nonprofit themes for your organization’s website:

  • Cost-effective: WordPress itself is free to use, and there are many free nonprofit themes available. This is great for organizations on a tight budget. Even paid themes are often very affordable compared to hiring a designer to create a custom website.
  • Easy to use: WordPress is known for being user-friendly, and most nonprofit themes are designed to be easy to set up and manage. This means that you don’t need to be a tech expert to create and update your website.
  • Professional look: There are many high-quality nonprofit themes available that can give your website a polished and professional look. This is important for building trust with potential donors and supporters.
  • Focus on fundraising: Many nonprofit themes come with features that can help you with fundraising, such as donation buttons and forms. This can make it easy for people to support your organization.
  • Customization: Even with free themes, you can usually customize the look and feel of your website to match your organization’s branding. Paid themes often offer even more customization options.

Overall, WordPress nonprofit themes can be a great way for organizations to create a professional and effective website without breaking the bank.

Choosing the Right Theme: It’s All About Your Mission

The best theme for your non-profit depends on your specific needs and goals. Consider the features you require, the message you want to convey, and your technical expertise. With a bit of research and by keeping these factors in mind, you can find the perfect WordPress theme to empower your organization and make a lasting impact online.

Remember: Don’t be afraid to experiment! Most themes offer live previews, so you can see how your website will look before committing

Is WordPress good for nonprofits?

Yes, WordPress is a great choice for nonprofits. It’s free, easy to use, and lets you customize your website to fit your cause. There are even special features to help you raise donations and connect with supporters.

Is WordPress free for nonprofits?

Yes, WordPress itself is free to use for nonprofits! This means you don’t need to pay to download the software and build your website. There are however additional costs, like web hosting and a domain name, that you’ll need to consider. These are not part of WordPress itself, but fees for the service of keeping your site up and running on the internet.


In 2024, there are many great WordPress nonprofit themes designed to help nonprofits thrive online. These themes can help you create a beautiful and informative website that showcases your cause and encourages donations. Whether you’re looking for a simple and elegant design or a more feature-rich theme, there’s sure to be a perfect option for your organization.

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